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Registry ​

SSM supports the following registries:

  • ACR (Azure Container Registry)
  • CUSTOM (Self-hosted Registry)
  • ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry)
  • GCR (Google Container Registry)
  • GHCR (GitHub Container Registry)
  • GITLAB (GitLab Container Registry)
  • HUB (Docker Hub)
  • LSCR (LinuxServer Container Registry)
  • Quay

ℹ️ Default registries

By default, the following registries will be available using anonymous access: ECR, GHCR, GCR, HUB, QUAY

Configuring a registry ​

1. Go to settings, "Registries" tab ​


2. Select a predefined integration or custom integration (see below) ​

ACR (Azure Container Registry) ​

The acr registry lets you configure ACR integration.

Variables ​

NameRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
clientidπŸ”΄Service Principal Client IDSee Service Principal Auth
clientsecretπŸ”΄Service Principal SecretSee Service Principal Auth

Example ​


How to create Registry credentials on Microsoft Azure Platform ​

Create a Service Principal ​

Follow the official Azure documentation.

Get the Client Id and the Client Secret of the created Service Principal ​


Go to your Container Registry and click on the Access Control (IAM) Menu ​


Click to Add a role assignment ​

Select the AcrPull role and assign it to your Service Principal image

CUSTOM (Self-hosted Docker Registry) ​

The custom registry lets you configure a self-hosted Docker Registry integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
urlπŸ”΄Registry URL (e.g. http://localhost:5000)
loginβšͺLogin (when htpasswd auth is enabled on the registry)password must be defined
passwordβšͺPassword (when htpasswd auth is enabled on the registry)login must be defined
authβšͺHtpasswd string (when htpasswd auth is enabled on the registry)login/password must not be defined

Examples ​

Configure for anonymous access ​


Configure for Basic Auth ​


ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry) ​

The ecr registry lets you configure ECR integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
regionπŸ”΄A valid AWS Region CodeAWS Region list
accesskeyπŸ”΄A valid AWS Access Key IdStandard AWS Credentials
secretaccesskeyπŸ”΄A valid AWS Secret Access KeyStandard AWS Credentials

!> The AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly Policy (or higher) must be attached to the AWS IAM User.

Examples ​


How to create an AWS IAM user and get programmatic access ​

1. Login to yourΒ Go to the IAM Service from your AWS Console and create a new user ​


2. Attach the AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly policy to the user ​


3. Get your AccessKeyId and your Secret Access Key and configure SSM with them ​



The forgejo registry lets you configure a self-hosted Forgejo integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
urlπŸ”΄Registry URL (e.g.
loginπŸ”΄Gitea usernamepassword must be defined
passwordπŸ”΄Gitea passwordlogin must be defined
authβšͺHtpasswd string (when htpasswd auth is enabled on the registry)login/password must not be defined

Examples ​

Configure ​


GCR (Google Container Registry) ​

The gcr registry lets you configure GCR integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
clientemailβšͺService Account Client Email (required for private images access)See Service Account credentials
privatekeyβšͺService Account Private Key (required for private images access)See Service Account credentials

Examples ​

Configure for authenticated access ​


How to create a Service Account on Google Cloud Platform ​

1. Go to theΒ Service Account page ​

2. Create a new Service Account ​

3. Add the Container Registry Service Role ​

4. Save the Service Account ​

5. Create a new key for the newly created Service Account ​

6. Download the keyfile JSON file and store it securely ​

7. Open the JSON file, get the client_email and private_key values and configure SSM with them ​

GHCR (GitHub Container Registry) ​

The ghcr registry lets you configure GHCR integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
usernameβšͺGitHub username
tokenβšͺGitHub tokenGitHub password or GitHub Personal Token

Examples ​

Configure to access private images (credentials needed) ​


How to create a GitHub Personal Token ​

Go to your GitHub settings and open the Personal Access Token tab ​

Click here

Click on Generate new token ​

Choose an expiration time & appropriate scopes (read:packages is only needed for SSM) and generate. image

Copy the token & use it as the token value ​



The gitea registry lets you configure a self-hosted Gitea integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
urlπŸ”΄Registry URL (e.g.
loginπŸ”΄Gitea usernamepassword must be defined
passwordπŸ”΄Gitea passwordlogin must be defined
authβšͺHtpasswd string (when htpasswd auth is enabled on the registry)login/password must not be defined

Examples ​

Configure ​


GitLab (GitLab Container Registry) ​

The gitlab registry lets you configure GitLab integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
urlπŸ”΄GitLab Registry base URL
authurlπŸ”΄GitLab Authentication base URL
tokenπŸ”΄GitLab Personal Access Token

Examples ​

Configure to access images from ​


Configure to access images from self-hosted GitLab instance ​


How to create a GitLab Personal Access Token ​

Go to your GitLab settings and open the Personal Access Token page ​

Click here

Enter the details of the token to be created ​

Choose an expiration time & appropriate scopes (read_registry is only needed for SSM) and generate. image

Copy the token & use it as the token value ​


HUB (Docker Hub including private repositories) ​

The hub registry lets you configure Docker Hub integration.

Currently, the supported credentials are:

  • Docker Hub auth + Docker Hub Access Token
  • Docker Base64 credentials (like in .docker/config.json)
  • Docker Hub auth + Docker Hub password (not recommended)

!> By default, if you don't configure any registries, SSM will configure a default one with anonymous access.
Don't forget to configure authentication if you're using Docker Hub Private Repositories.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
loginβšͺA valid Docker Hub Logintoken must be defined
passwordβšͺA valid Docker Hub Tokenlogin must be defined
tokenβšͺA valid Docker Hub Token (deprecated; replaced by password)login must be defined
authβšͺA valid Docker Hub Base64 Auth Stringlogin/token must not be defined

Examples ​


Configure Authentication using Login/Token ​

1. Login to yourΒ Docker Hub Account ​


2. Go to yourΒ Security Settings ​
  • Create a new Access Token
  • Copy it and use it as the token value



Configure Authentication using Base64 encoded credentials ​

1. Create an Access Token ​

See above "Configure Authentication using Login/Token"

2. Encode with Base64 ​

Concatenate $auth:$password and encode with Base64.

For example,

  • if your auth is johndoe
  • and your password is 2c1bd872-efb6-4f3a-81aa-724518a0a592
  • the resulting encoded string would be am9obmRvZToyYzFiZDg3Mi1lZmI2LTRmM2EtODFhYS03MjQ1MThhMGE1OTI=


LSCR (LinuxServer Container Registry) ​

The lscr registry lets you configure LSCR integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
usernameπŸ”΄GitHub username
tokenπŸ”΄GitHub tokenGitHub password or GitHub Personal Token

Examples ​


How to create a GitHub Personal Token ​

Go to your GitHub settings and open the Personal Access Token tab ​

Click here

Click on Generate new token ​

Choose an expiration time & appropriate scopes (read:packages is only needed for SSM) and generate. image

Copy the token & use it as the token value ​


Quay ​

The quay registry lets you configure Quay integration.

Variables ​

Env varRequiredDescriptionSupported valuesDefault value when missing
namespaceβšͺQuay namespace
accountβšͺQuay account
tokenβšͺQuay token

Examples ​

Configure to access private images (credentials needed) ​


How to create a robot account ​

Go to your settings and open the Robot Accounts tab ​

Click on Create Robot Account ​

Choose a name & create it image

Copy the part before the + sign and set it as the namespace env var ​

Copy the part after the + sign and set it as the account env var ​

Copy the token value and set it as the token env var ​


Deleting a registry ​

Deleting a custom registry ​

To delete a custom registry, simply click on "Delete" on the tile of your custom registry imageimage

Resetting a default registry ​

To reset a default registry, simply click on "Reset" on the tile of your custom registry image

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