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Deploy a Service from the Store


In the Store section of the Containers page, you can easily deploy a container on any of your devices from a list of various self-hosted software options.


Deploy Configuration


The configuration is pre-filled. Verify every option before deploying to ensure it fits your setup and environment.

Steps to Deploy a Service

  1. Navigate to the Store: Go to the Containers page and select the Store tab.
  2. Choose a container: Browse through the available self-hosted software and select the one you wish to deploy.
  3. Review Configuration:
    • Ensure all fields are correctly filled.
    • Customize any settings as necessary to match your environment.
    • Pay special attention to network settings, resource limits, and volume mounts.
  4. Deploy the Container:
    • Once you have reviewed and adjusted the configuration, click the Deploy button.
    • Monitor the deployment process through the service logs and status indicators.


After deployment, verify the container is running correctly. Perform necessary checks such as:

  • Accessing the service through its intended endpoint.
  • Verifying resource usage.
  • Ensuring that all configurations are applied as expected.

Regularly monitor and maintain the container to keep it up-to-date and secure.

In a future version, SSM will automatically perform the post-deployment health checks

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