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Squirrel Servers Manager (SSM) is backend and front-end software focused on configuration and Docker management. Its goal is to be simple to use, yet offer depth of customization.

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tldr Automagic

Once a device is added, SSM will automagically:

  • Detect downtimes
  • Retrieve hardware key usage and software versions
  • Pull running containers and Docker elements
  • Detect container image updates
  • Allow you to deploy & manage containers on your devices
  • Allow you to run playbooks for configuration management

tldr Schematic Overview


tldrSSH based

  • Connections from SSM 🐿️ to your devices 🌰🌰🌰 run through SSH.
  • Credentials are encrypted using Ansible Vault.

SSM is agent-based. To harness its full power, you must install a Node.js-based agent on all your devices, either via the UI or manually.


The SSM agent is not mandatory; you can manually add devices without the agent (see Unmanaged Devices).

The agent allows:

  • System information retrieval (OS & package versions; hardware details)
  • Statistics gathering (CPU, memory usage)
  • Downtime detection
  • IP address update

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