MongoDB / AVX support
Recent versions of MongoDB require a CPU with AVX support. If your host CPU doesn't support AVX, try editing the docker-compose.yml
file and downgrade the image version to the latest known version that doesn't require AVX.
container_name: mongo-ssm
image: mongo
restart: unless-stopped
- ./
command: --quiet
to =>
container_name: mongo-ssm
image: mongo:4.2.22
restart: unless-stopped
- ./
command: --quiet
Agent Installation Failed
If SSM is unable to install the agent through Ansible, consider installing the agent manually. See Manual Install.
SSM Does Not Retrieve Services (Docker Containers)
In some cases, SSM may not be able to retrieve Docker containers from the host.
- Check that the Docker CLI is available for the SSH user you provided. See the Official Docker Linux Post-Install guide.
- Verify that the Docker socket path is correct.
If the problem persists, try using another authentication method.
SSM Shows "Socket Hangup" in Docker Module Logs
This warning/error is most likely coming from your host's Docker installation. Refer to the previous point for potential solutions.
The Device's IP Has Automatically Changed to Its LAN IP / The IP Changed to VLAN's One
To permanently fix the IP on a device: In the .env
file of the agent, add the variable OVERRIDE_IP_DETECTION=<your_ip>
and restart the agent. See Manual Install.
Ansible Is Stuck Indefinitely When Applying a Playbook on Turnkey / LXC Container
Try changing the connection method in the device configuration modal from paramiko
to ssh
Unable to Create or Setup an Admin Account / "JwtStrategy requires a secret or key"
The .env
file of the docker-compose.yml
is not set correctly. See Quick Start.
Windows is not supported (yet)