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Adding a device

🌰 In a Nutshell


  1. Navigate to Inventory: Install agent on new device.
  2. Enter SSH Info: Port, IP, sudo method, login type.
  3. Verify Master Node URL: Ensure it is correct and reachable.
  4. Run Connection Tests: Ansible and Docker checks.
  5. Select Installation Method: Directly on the host or dockerized
  6. Confirm Details: Click "Confirm & Install Agent".
  7. Monitor Installation: Track Ansible's progress.

1. Inventory

To add a new device, first navigate to the Inventory panel in the Configuration Section on the lefthand Sidebar menu and click "Install Agent on New Device". adddevice1

2. Adding a device: SSH connection screen

A modal will open. The first section contains the SSH connection information. adddevice2

  • Enter the SSH port and IP address
  • Specify the sudo method and, optionally, the associated user/password
  • Select the SSH login type (User/password or key-based)

3. Adding a device: Master Node URL screen

This section is automatically populated. Ensure that the master node URL is correct and reachable from the device you wish to add. adddevice3 This URL will be included with the agent during installation. Make sure it aligns with the SSM IP Address. In the next step, SSM will attempt to ping itself through this URL.

4. Connection tests

adddevice4 Ansible and Docker connections will automatically be initiated to test your previous inputs. Wait for the results and address any issues that may arise. If you need to use a different authentication method for Docker, you can later specify it in the Docker configuration (see Device Configuration).

4. Installation Method


MethodDescriptionWill install if needed
Node Agent - DefaultThe default method, it will install directly on the host a PM2 backed Node.js agentNodeJS (NVM), NPM, PM2
Node Agent - Enhanced Playbook (Experimental)Experimental method, it will install directly on the host a PM2 backed Node.js agent with an advanced playbook for various configurations and OS. Try this if you have difficulties with the first oneNodeJS (NVM), NPM, PM2
Dockerized Agent (Experimental)Experimental, a Dockerized version of the agent. As far as tests go, it works very well. Use only on Linux hosts (macOS not supported)Docker, Docker Compose

6. Adding a device: Confirmation screen

adddevice4 Verify that all information is correct and click on "Confirm & Install agent".

7. Behold! The magic of SSM

adddevice5 Monitor the progress of Ansible installing the agent on your device.

⚠️ Agent installation failed

Please note that regardless of the playbook's execution result, the device has already been saved in the SSM database. If the playbook's execution fails, you must attempt to reinstall the agent by going to "Inventory", selecting your device, clicking on the bottom caret "▽" to the right, and then clicking on "Reinstall Agent".

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