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Device configuration

Accessible from the Inventory page, the configuration modal allow to to setup the ansible ssh access and docker ssh access and settings

Opening the configuration modal

From the inventory page, click on configuration for device the you wish to edit


Ansible SSH settings tab

This tab allows you to edit the SSH settings Ansible uses to connect to your device


Docker SSH settings tab

This tab allows you to edit the SSH settings Docker uses to connect to your device. You can also enable or disable the cron watchers (statistics, container updates, real time container events) and setup the cron frequencies


Docker SSH settings tab - Advanced

You can show advanced connection option by clicking on the switch on the bottom right 'Show Advanced'.

Advanced options will allow you to setup a different authentication for Dockers, and will offer you advanced options for the connection


Connection test tab

This tab allows you to test the connection for Ansible and Docker integrations


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