Client Stack Main Libraries
- Frontend Library/Framework: React, UmiJS
- UI Library: Ant Design, @ant-design/icons
- State Management: Redux
- CSS-in-JS Library: Emotion CSS
- Documentation: Markdown
- Rich Text Editor: Monaco Editor
- Charting Library: @antv/g2plot
- Testing: Jest, @testing-library/react
- Code Quality: ESLint, Prettier
- Version Control: Git
- Package Manager: npm
- Type Checking: TypeScript
- Miscellaneous Libraries: axios, lodash, moment, luxon, classnames, react-helmet-async
Server Stack Main Libraries
- Backend Runtime: Node.js
- Framework: Express.js
- Database: MongoDB through Mongoose
- Caching: Redis through node-redis
- Version Control: Git
- Testing: Jest
- Scheduler: node-cron
- CSS Processor: Less
- Environment Variables Management: dotenv
- Code Quality: ESLint, Prettier
- Logging: pino, pino-http, pino-mongodb
- Package Manager: npm
- Type Checking: TypeScript
- Miscellaneous Libraries: axios, lodash, moment, luxon, ssm-shared-lib, shelljs, classnames
Agent Stack Main Libraries
- dotenv: Loads environment variables from a
file for Node.js projects. - node-os-utils: Provides a set of OS-related utility methods.
- retry: Retry strategies and abstractions for fatal-exceptional conditions.
- systeminformation: Simple system and hardware information for Node.js.
- ts-node: TypeScript execution and REPL for Node.js.
- typescript: A language for application-scale JavaScript development.
- axios: Promise-based HTTP client for Node.js and browser.
- winston: Multi-transport async logging library for Node.js.
- winston-daily-rotate-file: A transport for winston which logs to a new file each day.
- esbuild: An extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier.
- node-cron: Task scheduler in pure JavaScript for Node.js. Based on GNU crontab.